영화·영상 디자인프로세스 분석에 대한 인지적 접근
동국대학교 | 81 pages| 2007.06.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1426 다운로드 2
The objectives of this study was (1) to develop a coding scheme for film and image designer`s cognitive model in the stage of edit of its design process, (2) to study a framework of designer`s cognitive model on the basis of empirical data. Moreover, it was (3) to understand the nature of the representation of film and image. Several previous studies on protocol analysis were reviewed in order to obtain the critical ideas for this study. First, a design action category was set up to derive a framework from the studies of top-down way. Second, subclasses of each category were distinguished through reviewing of the studies of bottom-up way. A new action category was added in consideration of difference between film and image design and other designs such as architecture design, interior design, and product design in previous studies, so the design action category was consisted of four parts, such as a motor action, a perceptual action, a functional action, and a representational action.
고전적 할리우드 영화 보이는 컷 몽타주(Montage) 아킨(Akin)의 디자인 프로세스
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